3,693 research outputs found

    Structural Health Monitoring and Impact Detection Using Neural Networks for Damage Characterization

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    Detection of damage due to foreign object impact is an important factor in the development of new aerospace vehicles. Acoustic waves generated on impact can be detected using a set of piezoelectric transducers, and the location of impact can be determined by triangulation based on the differences in the arrival time of the waves at each of the sensors. These sensors generate electrical signals in response to mechanical motion resulting from the impact as well as from natural vibrations. Due to electrical noise and mechanical vibration, accurately determining these time differentials can be challenging, and even small measurement inaccuracies can lead to significant errors in the computed damage location. Wavelet transforms are used to analyze the signals at multiple levels of detail, allowing the signals resulting from the impact to be isolated from ambient electromechanical noise. Data extracted from these transformed signals are input to an artificial neural network to aid in identifying the moment of impact from the transformed signals. By distinguishing which of the signal components are resultant from the impact and which are characteristic of noise and normal aerodynamic loads, the time differentials as well as the location of damage can be accurately assessed. The combination of wavelet transformations and neural network processing results in an efficient and accurate approach for passive in-flight detection of foreign object damage

    Larval Ecology of Some Lower Michigan Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) With Keys to the Immature Stages

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    The species composition, succession, and seasonal abundance of -immature simuliids ocmrrhg in the Rose Lake Wildlife Research Area in lower Michigan are presented. Selected physical and chemical characteristics of streams in the above area were examined and compared in relation to faunal distributions. Comparisons of species differences between permanent and temporary streams were made utilizing the functional group concept based on feeding mechanisms. Keys and illustrations are presented for the identiiication of larvae and pupae of four genera (Prosimulium, Simulium, Stegopterna, Cnephia) and 19 species of Simuliidae known to occur in lower Michigan. Two species, Cnephia ornithophilia and Simulium vemum, were recorded for the first time in Michigan

    Damage Diagnosis in Semiconductive Materials Using Electrical Impedance Measurements

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    Recent aerospace industry trends have resulted in an increased demand for real-time, effective techniques for in-flight structural health monitoring. A promising technique for damage diagnosis uses electrical impedance measurements of semiconductive materials. By applying a small electrical current into a material specimen and measuring the corresponding voltages at various locations on the specimen, changes in the electrical characteristics due to the presence of damage can be assessed. An artificial neural network uses these changes in electrical properties to provide an inverse solution that estimates the location and magnitude of the damage. The advantage of the electrical impedance method over other damage diagnosis techniques is that it uses the material as the sensor. Simple voltage measurements can be used instead of discrete sensors, resulting in a reduction in weight and system complexity. This research effort extends previous work by employing finite element method models to improve accuracy of complex models with anisotropic conductivities and by enhancing the computational efficiency of the inverse techniques. The paper demonstrates a proof of concept of a damage diagnosis approach using electrical impedance methods and a neural network as an effective tool for in-flight diagnosis of structural damage to aircraft components

    Instantaneous Pair Theory for High-Frequency Vibrational Energy Relaxation in Fluids

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    Notwithstanding the long and distinguished history of studies of vibrational energy relaxation, exactly how it is that high frequency vibrations manage to relax in a liquid remains somewhat of a mystery. Both experimental and theoretical approaches seem to say that there is a natural frequency range associated with intermolecular motions in liquids, typically spanning no more than a few hundred cm^{-1}. Landau-Teller-like theories explain how a solvent can absorb any vibrational energy within this "band", but how is it that molecules can rid themselves of superfluous vibrational energies significantly in excess of these values? We develop a theory for such processes based on the idea that the crucial liquid motions are those that most rapidly modulate the force on the vibrating coordinate -- and that by far the most important of these motions are those involving what we have called the mutual nearest neighbors of the vibrating solute. Specifically, we suggest that whenever there is a single solvent molecule sufficiently close to the solute that the solvent and solute are each other's nearest neighbors, then the instantaneous scattering dynamics of the solute-solvent pair alone suffices to explain the high frequency relaxation. The many-body features of the liquid only appear in the guise of a purely equilibrium problem, that of finding the likelihood of particularly effective solvent arrangements around the solute. These results are tested numerically on model diatomic solutes dissolved in atomic fluids (including the experimentally and theoretically interesting case of I_2 in Xe). The instantaneous pair theory leads to results in quantitative agreement with those obtained from far more laborious exact molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 55 pages, 6 figures Scheduled to appear in J. Chem. Phys., Jan, 199

    Stand conditions and tree characteristics affect quality of longleaf pine for red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees

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    We measured resin flow of longleaf (Pirzus palustris Mill.) pines in red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis Vieillot) clusters in the Angelina National Forest in Texas, and the Apalachicola National Forest in Florida. Sample trees were categorized as active cavity trees, inactive cavity trees and control trees. Sample trees were further categorized by stand position as either edge or interior trees. Longleaf cavity trees in Texas and Florida had similar resin flow characteristics. Active cavity trees on forest edges had the highest resin flow, whereas active cavity trees in forest interiors had the lowest. Trees experiencing both low and high levels of red-cockaded woodpecker activity and comptition from other trees had low resin flow, whereas intermediate stress typically resulted in high resin flow. Results from this study indicate that the best active red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees, from a resin flow perspective, are on or near forest edges. This may explain the woodpecker’s observed tendency to excavate new cavities near edges even when interior basal area has been reduced and midstory has been controlled. Our results suggest that pines managed as potential cavity trees should be experiencing minimal competition, and that a mosaic of patches in red-cockaded woodpecker habitat may be preferable to more uniform conditions

    Estimation du PIB mensuel canadien : 1962 à 1985

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    Cet article estime une série mensuelle du Produit Intérieur Brut au prix du marché pour le Canada et un indice de prix correspondant pour la période 1962 à 1985. Ces estimés sont compatibles avec l’estimé trimestriel à la base de la nouvelle mesure du revenu national de Statistique Canada. Nous combinons les estimés trimestriels de Statistique Canada avec des données mensuelles en utilisant un filtre de Kalman. En plus de fournir un estimé mensuel du PIB réel, nous calculons aussi le seul indice de prix mensuel disponible associé à toute mesure de revenu au Canada.In this paper, we estimate a monthly series for Gross Domestic Product at market prices for Canada and a price deflator for the period 1962 to 1985. These estimates are consistent with the quarterly estimates which form the basis of the new national income measures of Statistics Canada. We combine the quarterly estimates from Statistics Canada with monthly data in a Kalman filter framework. In addition to presenting estimates of real GDP which can be used in monthly models, we present the only monthly price deflator or any income measure in Canada

    Determinants of Childhood Adiposity: Evidence from the Australian LOOK Study

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    To contribute to the current debate as to the relative influences of dietary intake and physical activity on the development of adiposity in community-based children.Participants were 734 boys and girls measured at age 8, 10 and 12 years for percent body fat (dual emission x-ray absorptiometry), physical activity (pedometers, accelerometers); and dietary intake (1 and 2-day records), with assessments of pubertal development and socioeconomic status.Cross-sectional relationships revealed that boys and girls with higher percent body fat were less physically active, both in terms of steps per day and moderate and vigorous physical activity (both sexes p<0.001 for both measures). However, fatter children did not consume more energy, fat, carbohydrate or sugar; boys with higher percent body fat actually consumed less carbohydrate (p = 0.01) and energy (p = 0.05). Longitudinal analysis (combined data from both sexes) was weaker, but supported the cross-sectional findings, showing that children who reduced their PA over the four years increased their percent body fat (p = 0.04). Relationships in the 8 year-olds and also in the leanest quartile of all children, where adiposity-related underreporting was unlikely, were consistent with those of the whole group, indicating that underreporting did not influence our findings.These data provide support for the premise that physical activity is the main source of variation in the percent body fat of healthy community-based Australian children. General community strategies involving dietary intake and physical activity to combat childhood obesity may benefit by making physical activity the foremost focus of attention

    Costs of delivering human papillomavirus vaccination to schoolgirls in Mwanza Region, Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the leading cause of female cancer-related deaths in Tanzania. Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) offers a new opportunity to control this disease. This study aimed to estimate the costs of a school-based HPV vaccination project in three districts in Mwanza Region (NCT ID: NCT01173900), Tanzania and to model incremental scaled-up costs of a regional vaccination program. METHODS: We first conducted a top-down cost analysis of the vaccination project, comparing observed costs of age-based (girls born in 1998) and class-based (class 6) vaccine delivery in a total of 134 primary schools. Based on the observed project costs, we then modeled incremental costs of a scaled-up vaccination program for Mwanza Region from the perspective of the Tanzanian government, assuming that HPV vaccines would be delivered through the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). RESULTS: Total economic project costs for delivering 3 doses of HPV vaccine to 4,211 girls were estimated at about US349,400(includingavaccinepriceofUS349,400 (including a vaccine price of US5 per dose). Costs per fully-immunized girl were lower for class-based delivery than for age-based delivery. Incremental economic scaled-up costs for class-based vaccination of 50,290 girls in Mwanza Region were estimated at US1.3million.EconomicscaledupcostsperfullyimmunizedgirlwereUS1.3 million. Economic scaled-up costs per fully-immunized girl were US26.41, including HPV vaccine at US5perdose.Excludingvaccinecosts,vaccinecouldbedeliveredatanincrementaleconomiccostofUS5 per dose. Excluding vaccine costs, vaccine could be delivered at an incremental economic cost of US3.09 per dose and US9.76perfullyimmunizedgirl.Financialscaledupcosts,excludingcostsofthevaccineandsalariesofexistingstaffwereestimatedatUS9.76 per fully-immunized girl. Financial scaled-up costs, excluding costs of the vaccine and salaries of existing staff were estimated at US1.73 per dose. CONCLUSIONS: Project costs of class-based vaccination were found to be below those of age-based vaccination because of more eligible girls being identified and higher vaccine uptake. We estimate that vaccine can be delivered at costs that would make HPV vaccination a very cost-effective intervention. Potentially, integrating HPV vaccine delivery with cost-effective school-based health interventions and a reduction of vaccine price below US$5 per dose would further reduce the costs per fully HPV-immunized girl

    Lucerne for Acid Soils: A Field Evaluation of Early Generation Aluminium Tolerant Genotypes

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    The development of lucerne germplasm tolerant of acidic soil conditions has long been a research objective of international significance. Many initiatives have previously failed to produce genotypes with adequate improvement in tolerance to be deemed economically viable and as a consequence, still no cultivar of lucerne exists that has improved adaptation to acidic soils. An Australian research program spanning the previous decade sought to redress this issue by developing lucerne genotypes with significantly enhanced tolerance to aluminium (Al) toxicity. Using recurrent selection in hydroponic solution culture, populations selected comprised individuals which displayed enhanced seedling root growth following a pulse of Al toxic solution (Scott et al. 2008). A subsequent pot experiment showed that these populations exhibited up to 40% increase in seedling root length when grown in an acidic soil with high Al concentration, though there was a differential response observed between the elite populations (Hayes et al. 2011). The current study tested the hypothesis that lucerne establishment in the field would be higher in populations selected in high Al solution culture when grown in an acidic soil environment